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The seminary is the place where a man is formed mind, body, and soul into the image of Jesus Christ. Seminaries are places of joy, camaraderie, and deep learning! Today’s seminarians experience the best formation the Catholic Church offers.

Some men enter seminary while still in college and so they attend College Seminary. Once they get a degree, including at least two years of Philosophy study, they can transfer to Theology study, also called Major Seminary.

The Diocese of Youngstown offers priestly formation at the following seminaries:

When a man reaches a certain point in his discernment, if he wants to discover if priesthood is his true vocation, he has to go to seminary.

It should be stressed that entering seminary is a stage of discernment, not a decision to definitely become a priest.

What is it like? A day in the life at Borromeo Seminary

Overview of Applying to Seminary

1. Contact the Vocation Director.

Discernment always happens with the help of the Church. The diocese needs to get to know you better before offering you a seminary application.

2. The application process.

Applying to become a seminarian is a bit like applying to college, but with additional screening components such as background checks and medical and psychological screening.

3. Bishop’s decision.

After a careful review of your file, the bishop makes the final decision on whether an applicant is accepted.


Prayer for Vocations

Lord of the Harvest,
from age to age, you nurture growth in your people,
that your goodness and love might flourish in our world.
Bless the Church of Youngstown with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
bringing forth from our families and parishes willing and worthy spiritual leaders

to be holy servants,

trusting stewards,

faithful shepherds,

and missionary disciples.

Open the ears and hearts of our faithful,
especially our young people,
to attentively hear, and courageously respond,
to your call to service for the Church
as priests, deacons, religious, and lay ecclesial ministers.
Bless all married couples and single persons
and bestow on them the grace to not only be life giving
but also to be steadfast supporters of religious vocations
for the good of your Church.

May all those who respond to your call come to behold their giftedness
and the confidence you place in them
to continue the mission of the Church
trusting always that it is you who call
and you who equip.

We ask this through Christ the Lord. Amen

Please pray for our 2023-24 Seminarians

Deacon William Wainio

From St. Angela Merici, Youngstown

Theology IV

Diaconal Ordination: June 3, 2023

Priestly Ordination: June 1, 2024

Deacon Kevin Bertleff

From St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, Cortland

Theology IV

Diaconal Ordination: June 3, 2023

Priestly Ordination: June 1, 2024

Travis Seagraves

From St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Warren

Theology III

Diaconal Ordination: May 25, 2024

Arthur Bodenschatz

From St. Paul, North Canton

Theology II

Daniel LaPolla

From Blessed Sacrament, Warren

Theology I

Craig Ziobert

From Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Youngstown

Theology I

Donald Bailey

From St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Warren

Pre-Theology II

William Martzaklis

From St. Mary, Massillon

Pre-Theology I

Augustine Drexler

From Divine Mercy, Massillon

College III

Steven Vasko

From St. Charles Borromeo, Boardman

College II

Could God Be Calling You to Seminary?

Rev. Chad Johnson


Rev. Chad Johnson, Director of Vocations

(330) 744-8451 x235